Friday, June 18, 2004

Getting to know your Invisible Friend

Getting to know me, getting to know all about me..........

In July it'll be thirty years from the end of my secondary school education and I've just found out that it's almost thirty-six years since Mary Hopkin released "Those were the days", this first 45 rpm single I ever bought. Pretty frightening huh! (it's strange that I'm using exclamation marks as probably no-one will ever read this blog, let's call you my invisible friends!!).

We can talk more, but as this is an early blog, I'll give you the nutshell version. "Instant Update" to my life from the point I left school in 1974.

Sept 1974, left for the Ford Motor Company, Essex. Apprenticeship. The chain of work events took me through being a draughtsman and then a Stress Analyst. The academic mathematic side of my brain finally won over. It was the latter that took me to California in 1985 and then I emigrated to Canada at the end of 1987. I live near Toronto.

I married in 1976, less than two years after leaving school and right in the middle of my Apprenticeship. Lovely pregnant Lancashire girl. in 1976 we had a daughter, in 1978 a son. Just three years later in 1981 I was divorced and close to topping myself I was at the lowest point of my life so to speak. (You can see that this is a concise nutshell version - I'm sure we'll have time to expand on the topics).

Things did get better though.

In 1982 I moved to Wigan in Lancashire and met a 17 year old girl named Karen. I became a teenager again at the grand old age of 23 and adopted all her friends. To cut a long story short we've now been married almost 17 years, about the same time we've been in Canada (this time it was the Canadian Consulate that made me get married!!).

Instant life, 30 years. I would not change a thing, well, maybe a few wrinkles.

Lots more waffle to come.........


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