Friday, March 11, 2005

Twitter Bandwidth

I apologise for not posting over the last few months, if anyone actually noticed that is, but a strange sequence of events cut me to the quick and prevented me from blogging.

There was of course, the holiday season, lots of alcohol (although there is no need for a reason in my life to have excessive alcohol) and winter. There was Ghost Recon 2 on the Xbox and the building of a HTPC for my media excesses. However, the biggest culprit in the anti-blog reason top ten list was an Xbox game called Project Gotham Racing 2, which, an unsuspecting fool bought from a used DVD store. This game has consumed about 250 hours of my life in the last three months and continues to demand more from me.

So, I apologise and will try harder in the future, I say this with my fingers crossed behind my back as the new up and coming sequel to the anti-blog list is another Xbox game called Rainbow Six 3 Black Arrow, which is already using up a high percentage of my remaining personal twitter bandwidth.

Zharkov out.


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