Friday, June 18, 2004

Salted Nuts

This is a snippet from office life a few years back....

I popped my head over the divider, there had been a terrible clattering of knives and forks, a sort of flourish of cutlery if you will, and there was a young oriental chap, Tommy Lamb, with the remainder of his mid-morning chicken dinner dribbling down his chin. What bravery during work hours!

I kicked myself as I'd missed out on his covert morning grocery mission up to the No-Frills, but not to worry as within a few cubicles walk was the pandora's box of Dennis Morton's middle drawer, a veritable feast of bulk barn goodies, raisins, dried fruit and ju-jubes. It was a pity that one had to actually talk to Dennis while chewing on his salty nuts which always led to a tirade or rant by him about his ex-wife. Amazing how that man could take any topic and recurse it into the evils of married life within seconds.

You know who they are....


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