Sunday, March 27, 2005

Grim Reaper

I apologize once again for being tardy in creating gripping daily updates in my life, however, the grim reaper dropped in and took me by surprise last Wednesday morning, I'd had a few brutal days of what felt like the flu, with very little sleep, when, standing in the comfort of my own toilet I was floored, struck down by an invisible hand, awake, confused, to my good wife screaming that she was going to call da amboolance man.

What the Hell?

Five days have passed and I could not have been a more miserable, sleep deprived, sick and flakey hobbit. No food, no booze, no sleep, pain, confusion, hacking, snorting and spitting. You name it and it's on my tee-shirt. I was actually thinking at one point I wasn't going to make it, yes, true, it gave me a few unpaid days off from work, but Maury Povich and Days of our Lives just didn't compensate for total boredom and hopelessness. Sickness, my invisible online friends is very, very tiring.

Sorry, as usual I'm going on, I'll pull my finger out and try to get better...


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