Monday, February 26, 2007

The End of Warcraft

Its been a sad few days.

They started last Thursday when I topped out and reached level 60 on World of Warcraft and I clicked the button that cancelled my subscription.

Zhinna was my name-oh.

Yes, Zhinna will be filed off in some database somewhere, a level 60, female gnome, 300 skinning and 300 mining skill. A bag full of gold and a great set of armour and weapons.

There she will stay until Blizzard Entertainment decide they're going to give away the expansion, The Burning Crusade, for peanuts.

Until then, its back to normal sleep patterns and the Xbox.

Night Night little Z.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

It's all go here, I mean, it's all going here.

I look in the mirror and I see an older version of myself, my friends look like they've been in a fight in a flour factory, or worse, they look like Lugosi in his later years.

Older, Wiser?

I dunno, feeling kinda liberated somewhat, I know what everyone is up to and need to speak out against it, sort of in my end of days costume, waiting for the icebergs to melt.

I have no medium like Al Gore, can't point out the obvious to anyone nowadays because I have no rep, no fulcrum or tiller, looking like a twinkle on a puddle, yet feeling like the first crack of light after an eclipse.

If it makes no sense to you, well, I do feel sorry, I cannot pass my point on to you, you'll just have to work it out for yourselves while I imbibe.

And imbibe I will.

Until the darkness falls.