Monday, April 03, 2006

Writers Block or Blog

I’m suffering from writers block at the moment, can’t think of anything interesting to type, can’t get my mind onto any particular topic. It must be all the late nights I’m having playing Ghost Recon or Call of Duty online.

I’ll throw in some filler.

I sent this around the salt mines with great success on the 22nd March :

To All Employees :

Today is the International "Call someone who is clearly not a homo a homo day" and as usual we encourage employees to drop any fears of Political Correctness and choose one of their colleagues "who clearly is not a homo" and call them a homo.

We understand that in the Engineering building this is a daunting task as it is not immediately apparent who clearly is, or isn't, a complete homo. However, to help in the fun and games we have created a database on the intranet of the 53 complete homosexuals who work in the Engineering department here and another 22 who fall into the "grey" zone and have only indulged in occasional homo activities. The remaining 7 Engineers who are "clearly not homos" may be approached and called a homo.

However, following an International court ruling, female Engineers should not be approached on this day.

This leaves only Rob Chappell, who is clearly not a homo. Please feel free to call him one all day.

Have fun!


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