Saturday, March 17, 2007


I'm keeping the blog up for my Korean friends, although one of them spends most of his time in a bubble bath drinking herbal tea and the other is fighting for survival at the other landing gear company in the west.

So, they probably don't notice.

It's been an odd week, the new group based IPT system at work is starting to not work and the displaced director/classic boss types are flexing their weak muscles in an attempt to show they still mean something. The design guy has been sending lots of emails with BOLD characters to make people AWARE that, although he is not what he was, he still is a major PLAYER in the COMPANY.

He might be right, might be wrong, but why does he even care if his responsibilities have been stripped and lay on the desert floor next to his epaulettes?

Then the other one, the evil, shifty, lying creep. He's not really changed. He strips the dry skin from his lips and vibrates his knee as though he's running a sowing machine and we all do our best to not get caught when he patrols the office cubicles 40 times a day, but, we still do.

I try to make trouble and drive him crazy, other resident peeps just drive him crazy because they breathe. The unspoken ones who left are still spoked about and blamed for their bad, bad work.

Bad monkeys.

My Korean buddies are safe, they've gone and found the better places, they both know I'm going to join them soon. well, not in the bath, not in the industry.

And not in this province.


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