Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Back to the Start....

When I was a baby the first thing I remember was a window, I remember looking out of my pram and seeing a window, a sash window. at least that's what I think I remember – I often wonder if that type of image will be the last thing I ever see in some bright hospital room or nursing home somewhere!

Well, that’s a cheerful start.

Today I picked up some prints that I had developed from negatives found in a box in my deceased parents garage, one of them shows a one year old me, with my grandad, in front of that very window.

This blog is all about memories, some of which will be fragments, some embellished, some downright untrue. Up to now, pretty random, but, it's a puzzle readers, make of it what you will.

I look at that picture of me when I was a baby, 46 years ago, I look at pictures of me now that I am almost a 47 year old man. These two people are the same two people yet not the same. The bones have grown and the skin has a lot more weathering now, lines drawn on the canvas of life. 47 years of life and continuing, the brain thinks it's wise now, but if you've read my previous posts, you'll see who I am, I ain't got the answers my people, I'm just scratching the surface.

My apologies to anyone reading this blog, at times I’ve been a bit graphic, but not as graphic as I'd like to be, disoriented, but not as disoriented as I really am, however, I’m trying to put things as I remember and “capture the moment” – ah well, if I do swear a bit, please remember that a few naughty words never hurt anyone.


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