Monday, June 21, 2004

Reverse Polish

This one for my Korean buddy, Yong.

Adopting geek posture (on)

My first electronic calculator was bought in 1975, it was a Sinclair Cambridge (Yes, Clive Sinclair, Nutty Professor and washing machine cyclist) which replaced my British Thornton Slide rule that they forced us into buying in our first year of Apprenticeship. The Cambridge was a smashing little thing, four functions, well five actually, you could turn it upside down and write ShELL in glowing purple letters by entering 77345. Nights were long, no money, no girlfriends, you get the picture.

This was followed by a CBM (Commodore) Scientific with 53 functions, A CBM Scientific with 100+ functions, A Texas Instruments TI-55 programmable (which was stolen along with my Mark IV Cortina) followed by a series of Casio Scientifics. Then in 1997, after many years of calculating the Algebraic way, I jumped with both feet into the RPN world (Reverse Polish Notation) and bought myself my first Hewlett Packard calculator…. The 42S.

In the same year I bought my final calculator, the HP48GX, still have it today, seven years later.

I can annoy people no end as I go in and go on (and on) about this one!. I've added a 1 megabyte memory card in Port 2 and a 128k card in Port 1. Yes, a one and a quarter megabyte calculator. And yes, before you tell me to get a life, I'll admit that its just a calculator, but its a passionate calculator, with object oriented programming capabilities, plus I can write SHELL in real letters, right side up!. It can be an object, a function, a variable, anything I want. I can even use small letters, haha, small letters, try and do that my little invisible monkeys....I conssplu.....

Syntax error line 30

Geek posture (off)
Pocket Protector (out)
Waistband (lowered)


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