Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Essential Oils

I made my Korean friend fold in on himself the other day at work using some new material. I didn’t realise that I was free forming incredible humour at the time, just stating fact.

It was just a comment based on pure observation, I asked him :

“Have you ever been to the washroom, taken a huge dump and then wiped your butt, given your hands a good wash and then arrived back at your workstation and your hand still smells of ass?”

He then proceeded to fold himself into his calculator case saying “That’s wrong Dave, that’s just so wrong”

I don’t know what he’s on about, I mean we all check if our hand smells of ass after we’ve wiped don’t we?, I’m just very efficient and do a secondary check after I’ve washed. Perhaps as my well preened Italian friend says, there are “essential oils” that are leeching through the cheap Aerospace two-ply, embedding their molecules deep into my cuticles.

I mean, how many parts per million have to remain on the fingertips for you to actually still discern that distant ass smell? and even after additional washing, how many of those remaining molecules end up in the package of dry roasted peanuts you’ve been generously passing around to your colleagues?

Just wondering.....


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