Tuesday, June 26, 2007

You have a special message waiting

I understand that this blogger thing could already be viewed as a complete waste of time and resources, but I think I've found yet another, perhaps more efficient, forum to destroy time, with the inbuilt benefit of a self subscribed spam channel.

It's called Facebook, or Lucky Face or something like that, another Myspace zone where we can all connect and subscribe both to product placement and enjoy endless emails from the central office keeping us informed that if we log back on there's a special message waiting.

I often log back on, read my special message and then leave a special message for the person that left me one, normally the special messages don't really say that much, a few words or letters, a grunt or an exclamation, but nevertheless, very special.

I'm realising that the interweb isn't just for porn anymore.

Use the Fork Luke

In fact the Thursday did arrive and once again we’re back on our own.

I have recovered the ability to go commando in my own house and once again the opportunity to have 24 hour sex is offered to the pair of us, but, as usual, not fully utilized.

The next time we will see the parents will be at the other daughters wedding in New Zealand next year. That should be an education to the groom, a house full of afflictions, all with discrete yet demanding food requirements ranging from the ridiculously spicy sector to the inert and benign minority ruled by the knight of the bland table.

One of the better (slightly compiled) quotes of the last three weeks was “You’ve tricked me, I wouldn’t have said that I liked it if I’d known there was garlic in there” and then there was the sossidge event where the honey garlic sossidges, tainted by the evil cousin of the onion family, were shunned even though they were particularly sossidgy and delicious.

Maybe he’s a vampire, mind you that’s probably not true as vampires like tasty and spicy food like Fenella Fielding.

Talking of sossidges, and I don’t know why this is an aside, but I always thought that Butch and Ramsbottom had a rough time on the Sooty show. It was a sort of stolen idea from the Punch and Judy puppet show, for the good guys (Sooty, Sweep) there always had to be an evil pair (Butch, Ramsbottom) and sossidges always came into it somehow, same with Star Wars I suppose, although they called the evil pair the thith and replaced the thossidges with light-thabers.

Right, that’s it, I’m Gonna shut down this particular blog as it’s getting very silly.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Outside looking in

The in-laws have been visiting for the last three weeks and during this latter stage I don’t know my arse from my elbow regarding days of the week or where I am in time and space.

I’m on the outside looking into the fishbowl, observing the little clown fish, splashing around with no idea, swimming in circles with no concept of the passing of time or an outer world to escape to.

The Mobius trick for the diminutive Moby dick.

If I’m outside looking in and at the same time on the inside looking out, who is typing this diatribe, who is observing the observer looking at the observed, even more important, does the author even know if anyone is ever going to read this, and if they did, would they think that he had lost his marbles completely and why would they not have noticed that there were no question marks in this paragraph.

All I know, is that, if I continue to think that it’s Thursday tomorrow then at some point during the week it will be.

They go away on Thursday.