Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Outside looking in

The in-laws have been visiting for the last three weeks and during this latter stage I don’t know my arse from my elbow regarding days of the week or where I am in time and space.

I’m on the outside looking into the fishbowl, observing the little clown fish, splashing around with no idea, swimming in circles with no concept of the passing of time or an outer world to escape to.

The Mobius trick for the diminutive Moby dick.

If I’m outside looking in and at the same time on the inside looking out, who is typing this diatribe, who is observing the observer looking at the observed, even more important, does the author even know if anyone is ever going to read this, and if they did, would they think that he had lost his marbles completely and why would they not have noticed that there were no question marks in this paragraph.

All I know, is that, if I continue to think that it’s Thursday tomorrow then at some point during the week it will be.

They go away on Thursday.


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