Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Blue Rinse Baby

What is that point in our lives when we get the urge to display our true colors?, I’ve asked our resident print room girl at the landing gear emporium exactly when will she be subscribing to the blue rinse, or the wheely basket, or the Corvette?

Oh, she’s been driving a Corvette for years, I forgot!.

Will it help me if I start making my blond hair blond again?, or should I let it drift into the ghostly white color that my father ended up with?, well, that was after it was a subtle touch of nicotine yellow for all those years he smoked, not quite blond, not quite white, more Yate’s wine lodge urinal. A nice color.

Jim Collins, my favorite replacement father, dressed down, even though he knew that we all suspected that he was a millionaire and I personally suspect that he suspected he was one too, he dressed down well, wore jeans, scruffy cardigans, drove an old Jeep. He was in his eighties and was a cool old dude and that’s the way I want to play it, I don’t want to start scrambling to spend life’s extra pennies on the cabriolet (as my son puts it) or the polyester pants and the jaquard sweater. I’ll slowly drift into being a scruffy bastard driving an old car eating cheese and drinking too much wine.

Oh, I’ve been doing that for years, I forgot!!


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