Friday, May 05, 2006

Thank You.

Just a thank you for the four individuals that have helped me to progress so far in this life besides my family.

In order.

Peter Leece. (sorry if I spelled your name wrong) but, if you had not been there, I would have gone for sure. Phht. Lights out.

Susan Liderth (that's the right spelling and I still find the idea of sex in the back of the Austin Maxi exciting, perhaps one day I'll get my Supertramp albums back) - like Pete, if you had not been there at that point in my life I would have vanished.

Nancy Baker (If a parallel life was possible we'd probably have three or four kids by now) but you know that's what fate is all about. God knows what would have happened if you hadn't found me in the swimming pool that night. The time in California was a magical time for me and perhaps you should have said yes in Balboa park.

Well, perhaps I should have asked properly.

Karen Gore (well, it's you and me against the world - yes, I love ya, and I really like smashing my bits against yours, and I hope I will die with you, but not soon) mind you, if you die first I'll still need good sex..and I'll search it out and find it even if I'm in my nineties.

Oh, and a special note to my old friend Paul Martin (no, not the ex-PM of Canada) who introduced me to Karen. A good mate and an excellent piss head.

Funny old life.


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