Monday, July 09, 2007

Musical Chairs

The music is about to start at the landing gear emporium, we're all moving again, I think it's counter-clockwise this time, moving to the left and slightly up, away from friends and towards team members - or even better towards the girls in the front office.

Its to make us more efficient and as they say, you cannot make an omolette withoot breaking some oeufs.

où est mon agrafeuse ?

It will be chaos for a while, well, to be honest there has been a lot of chaos for a long time with all the ejections, switches, arrivals and departings. It is difficult enough for the money grubbing peons that are left to sort out the reality of it all, so why would another few weeks of lost staplers and crashed computers make it any worse?

nous lutterons contre eux sur les plages

The unstoppable corporate train heads down the tracks and the music plays as the whistle blows, one by one the old chairs are removed and we continue to move to our left and slightly upwards, ever closer to the exciting prospect of once again, making Landing Gears for a living.

Live at the Emporium, this Friday the 13th.

Hawaiian shirts may be worn.


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