Sunday, July 15, 2007

Thanks for the memories

For Christ's sake, why does it take you idiots out there so long to realise how good life is, or how much you love your mother, your father or the rest of your family?

Sorry, shouting at myself again.

It was the marketing guru's who put it all into perspective last mothers day, when they reminded us all here in Canada that "Mothers love technology" and of course, Bestbuy, Future Scrap and Circuit City and their source, aka, Intertan, had a little electronic something for all our mumsies.

You know how lovely it is to give your mum a lovely electronic picture frame full of family pictures, but it's always so difficult to find all those pictures to upload where you and your mum are actually together.

I know, I know, I'm guilty too.

Hug your mother today, father too, brothers, sisters, wives and husbands. Find a stranger and hug them, stalk them if necessary.

Just give the love.

Because it's not just mothers that love love.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Musical Chairs

The music is about to start at the landing gear emporium, we're all moving again, I think it's counter-clockwise this time, moving to the left and slightly up, away from friends and towards team members - or even better towards the girls in the front office.

Its to make us more efficient and as they say, you cannot make an omolette withoot breaking some oeufs.

où est mon agrafeuse ?

It will be chaos for a while, well, to be honest there has been a lot of chaos for a long time with all the ejections, switches, arrivals and departings. It is difficult enough for the money grubbing peons that are left to sort out the reality of it all, so why would another few weeks of lost staplers and crashed computers make it any worse?

nous lutterons contre eux sur les plages

The unstoppable corporate train heads down the tracks and the music plays as the whistle blows, one by one the old chairs are removed and we continue to move to our left and slightly upwards, ever closer to the exciting prospect of once again, making Landing Gears for a living.

Live at the Emporium, this Friday the 13th.

Hawaiian shirts may be worn.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Sponser Me...

May 2007.

What is it?
On May 27, 2006, people who've downloaded the Masturbate-a-Thon pledge form and collected pledges from friends and lovers will meet in San Francisco for the Center for Sex & Culture's 5th annual Masturbate-a-Thon. The pledges will be promised for the amount of time the pledgees spend masturbating.

Who will be there?
People of all genders and sexual orientations masturbate... and a subset of them will be at the Masturbate-a-Thon! This means that if you are not comfortable in a space with people who may be different from you, this is not an appropriate space for you, and you may want to tune in from home and watch the Masturbate-a-Thon online.

Can I talk to other people?
Sure! This is a great place to meet adventurous people. However, masturbation for many is a truly solo activity, even in a group. Don't be surprised or offended if some people don't choose to interact with you. Also, there will be absolutely no touching of other people without their prior consent. Doing so will get the "touchy" person thrown out.

How do I win a prize?
Prizes will be awarded for the longest time spent masturbating: we'll allow 5 minutes off per hour for snacks and bathroom breaks; remember, the current record is 7 1/2 hours, so if you want to try for this award, come at 4 pm and pace yourself!

Mother never told me.

I was never warned about this.

I think that all these years of masturbation are taking their toll on me.

Its making me fat.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Some things more important than me

Part One.

The most influential album in my young years was "Crisis, what Crisis" by Supertramp, not only because it was a fantastic and thoughtful album, but also that, in my little life, the songs and emotion in that album was a timely and grounding soundtrack to my film.

And, a valid point about the importance was that I personally discovered the group, well, John Peel had a hand in it and pointed me in the right direction and also forced me to illegally record that album on compact cassette. I mean, didn't he realise at the time that Home taping was Killing Music?

It didn't actually, and I quietly admit that I did in fact discover Supertramp.

In the years that followed Crisis, I had my own personal crisis, with the soundtrack still playing, through "Crime of the Century", "Even in the Quietest Moments" and "Breakfast in America" and it was Breakfast that resulted in my first divorce.

Well, that and Jerry the Fireman.

Hodgson and Davies didn't actually shag my first wife, or make toast that morning, but they had a hand in it.

Jerry, the man with the hose, had carnival knowledge of the tangible bits but I'm sure that those two monkeys had their hand in it all, working from the other side of the fence, making me react to the situation, especially under the influence of mind altering Asda Lager, forcing my hand and eventually bringing the curtain down.

Joking aside, the closure in the late 1970s of the fools apprentice marriage was by far eclipsed by the sad destruction of the super group that was called Supertramp. The 1982 Album "Famous Last Words" was not only blessed by the poignant track "Its Raining Again" but the final curtain call, the last track on the album, "Don't leave me Now" broke my heart.

It was as though the film had ended, the opening scene in a grubby Enfield Street in Wigan with a light, young and enthusiastic fool with his good friend Mark Gaskell, way back in 1975 backing a light blue Hillman Imp into a parked car and a massive fast forward to the closing credits of a sad, lonely boy and redundancy from the dark mining company, Gullick Dobson six years later, in that same Northern Town. Arthur Scargill, Maggie Thatcher, divorce and botched suicide a distant memory.

Wait, revisionists, six years later, that works out at 1981 not 1982.

The synch track was out, it was in fact 1982. Not 1981 where that final Supertramp album would have worked in the final dub.

So, it became apparent that this super group was far more important than I was, because, they decided to wait, patiently, in the background, while I had my quietest moments and took the long way home.

I miss the group, not from an aspect of soundtrack, but, I think that they would have been better if they had stayed together, it would be fantastic to have experienced their later albums together.

Listening to "Crisis what Crisis" all over again (yes, home downloading is killing music!) makes me realise what I should always remember :

Some things are more important than me.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Never been

I've never been to New York, New York, but in world terms, it's just down the road.

A stones throw away.

The small town Liverpool born lad who was dragged kicking and screaming to California twenty odd years ago and then ended up in Ontario has been about a bit though, been there, done that type of thing.

Not Really.

It's been a laugh that some of the Canadians I've worked with have also never been to New York, or British Columbia, Quebec or Newfoundland for that matter. I even know a few who have not been to see Niagara Falls or even the local nature reserve.

I've been to New York state a few times, but never to the Big Apple (another potential Beatles reference) and it would be nice, but, perhaps before I even get the chance I'll whisk myself off West to be just around the corner from other places I'll never visit.

Nooks and Crannies, never to be seen.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Curtain Call

Had you come some other day then
It might not have been like this
But you see now I'm too much in love

In another day, you would have seen this young man who disliked the Beatles because he thought they detracted from his life, made it look like, although he was from Liverpool, something better had come from there, a group of young men, the best group of the last century and a legacy of songs and lyrics that will, perhaps, never be bettered.

I'm not like that anymore, I think that they define me more than I could ever define myself, more than all those other players "In My Life" have tried to define me, long before I had the chance to even think.

I've done this before, but, I'd like to thank the people who kept me here.

Peter Leece
Sue Liderth
Mike McGuire
Barbara Bell
Nancy Baker
Paul Martin
Karen Gore
Steve Bradshaw

Thank You to every one of you, for some reason you kept me alive when I thought I'd be better off dead.

I will be forever in debt to all of you, for all time.

Well, for another 30 years anyway.


I'm looking through you Where did you go?
I thought I knew you What did I know?
You don't look different
But you have changed
I'm looking through you
You're not the same

No apologies here, I've been guilty of selfishness over the years, lots of times, that's been justified because of the players in this game that have set out to destroy me.

Gosh, some events in a life cause the river to flow in a direction that was never intended, some people have evil intent or the mirror image of an overwhelmingly good role in the path of being here, to the latter, I say thank you, could not have been here, breathing and thinking, without you.

Say The Word

Say the word and you'll be free
Say the word and be like me
Say the word I'm thinking of
Have you heard the word is love?
It's so fine,
It's sunshine
It's the word, love
In the beginning I misunderstood
But now I've got it,
the word is good

So, why as a Liverpool Lad, would I be the least bit miffled about the Beatles? - well, its a long story, about 50 years of it already have passed, and I'm hoping for about 30 years more.

Perhaps with less animosity towards the group.

It's a thing, most people would ask where you are from, interested in where you are from, and then you'd reply, "Liverpool", and before you knew it, you'd accent that with, "Liverpool, you know, where the Beatles came from" and shoot down your own balloon as suddenly, it's not about you any more, the engineer that came from Liverpool, moreover, it's about those Fab Four who made such great success about their lives, god bless 'em, Fantastic, best group ever, better than anything, super.



In all my years of self awareness on the planet, I've loved the music of the Beatles, but disliked the association of Liverpool, The fool, and the Beatles.

It's a strange thing, I called my Blog the fool on the hill after a Beatles song, I was born in Liverpool and I have great pride in the work that the group did.

Yet, I've always been a bit miffled.

We can all change, I can change and I'm gonna drop this crap I carry, about the Beatles and quite a lot of other things that could be classed as excessive baggage I've accumulated over the years, perhaps the next few posts will be about that.