Thursday, June 29, 2006

Density or Destiny

Every day I look at this picture now. It’s fixed to my wall and hopefully, it fixes my destiny. A time when peace will prevail, no more panics, no more deadlines, no more bosses spoiling my day.

There comes a point where things have to be simplified, I’ve seen what older people go through, some lose their bookmarks, marbles and sense of reason. Others grow incredibly wise and manage their twilight years in a great way.

Hopefully, I’m part of that second group.

But, just in case I’m part of the first group, I’ll sort and simplify and hopefully end up out there on my campground searching for my marbles with no other irons in the fire.

This before I give away my fortune to someone at the door with a purple balloon monkey and a goldfish.

Now where did I leave that checkbook?


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